
To use gh-dash, follow these steps after you’ve installed it:

  1. Run

    gh dash
  2. Press ? for help.

  3. Run gh dash --help for more info:

      gh dash [flags]
      -c, --config string   use this configuration file (default lookup: a .gh-dash.yml file if inside a git repo, $GH_DASH_CONFIG env var, or if not set, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh-dash/config.yml)
          --debug           passing this flag will allow writing debug output to debug.log
      -h, --help            help for gh-dash

Flags #

--config #

Specify the path to a configuration file to use for the dashboard. If the configuration file doesn’t exist or is invalid, gh-dash returns an error.

gh dash --config path/to/configuration/file.yml
AliasesTypeDefault file if inside a git repo, $GH_DASH_CONFIG env var, or if not set, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh-dash/config.yml

If you don’t specify this flag, gh-dash uses the default configuration. If the file doesn’t exist, gh-dash will create it. The location of the default configuration file depends on your system:

  1. If Inside a git repo, gh-dash will look for a .gh-dash.yml file in the root of the repo.
  2. If $GH_DASH_CONFIG is a non-empty string, gh-dash will use this file for its configuration.
  3. If $GH_DASH_CONFIG isn’t set and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is a non-empty string, the default path is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh-dash/config.yml.
  4. If neither $GH_DASH_CONFIG or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME are set, then:
    • On Linux and macOS systems, the default path is $HOME/gh-dash/config.yml.
    • On Windows systems, the default path is %USERPROFILE%\gh-dash\config.yml.

For more information about authoring configurations, see Configuration.

--debug #

Specify whether gh-dash should write logs to the debug.log file in the current directory. By default, gh-dash doesn’t output debug information.

gh dash --debug

When you use this flag, gh-dash creates the debug.log file in the current directory if it doesn’t exist. If the file does exist, gh-dash appends new log entries to it.

--help #

Use this flag to display the help information for gh-dash in the terminal. If you specify this flag, gh-dash ignores all other flags. It only displays the help information.

gh dash --help

--version #

Use this flag to display the version information for gh-dash in the terminal. If you specify this flag with the --config or --debug flags, gh-dash ignores them. It only displays the version information.

gh dash --version

When you use this flag, gh-dash emits the following information:

gh-dash version <version>
commit: <commit_sha>
built at: <build_timestamp>
built by: <build_user>
goos: <operating_system>
goarch: <cpu_architecture>
  • <version> is the extension’s semantic version without a v prefix.
  • <commit_sha> is the exact commit SHA the extension was built from.
  • <build_timestamp> is the UTC date and time when the extension was built.
  • <build_user> is who built the extension. For official releases, this is always goreleaser.

For example, the version information for the v3.7.7 release on Windows with an x64 processor is:

gh-dash version 3.7.7
commit: 6ce3f89ab0d73dd88e359133699d1cf920f88699
built at: 2023-04-15T08:42:16Z
built by: goreleaser
goos: windows
goarch: amd64

Default Keybindings #

When you use gh-dash, it displays the dashboard as a terminal UI (TUI). In the TUI, you can use several commands by pressing key combinations to navigate and interact with the dashboard.

You can press the ? key to toggle the help menu in the UI. The help menu lists the available keybindings for the current context.

You can press the q key to quit the dashboard and return to your normal terminal view.

For more information about the keybindings for the dashboard, see Keybindings.