Selected Issue

a - Assign Issue #

Press a to assign one or more users to the issue. When you do, the dashboard opens the preview pane and displays a new input.

When the unassign input is active, you can specify one or more GitHub usernames to assign to the issue. By default, the input includes your username if you’re not already assigned. If you’re already assigned, the input is empty by default.

To assign more than one user to the issue, specify additional users after one or more whitspace characters, like a space, tab, or newline. We recommend separating the additional users with a newline by pressing Enter after each username.

To submit the list of users to assign to the issue, press Ctrl+d. To cancel the change instead, press Ctrl+c or Esc.

A - Unassign Issue #

Press A to unassign one or more users from the issue. When you do, the dashboard opens the preview pane and displays a new input.

When the unassign input is active, you can specify one or more GitHub usernames to unassign from the issue. By default, the input includes all assigned users separated by newlines.

Make sure the list of users to unassign only includes the users you want to unassign before you submit the list.

To submit the list of users to unassign from the issue, press Ctrl+d. To cancel the change instead, press Ctrl+c or Esc.

c - Comment on Issue #

Press c to add a comment to the issue. When you do, the dashboard opens a preview pane and displays a new input.

You can write your comment as GitHub-flavored Markdown in the input.

To submit the comment on the issue, press Ctrl+d. To cancel the comment instead, press Ctrl+c or Esc.

x - Close Issue #

Press x to close the issue. When you do, the dashboard uses the gh issue close command to close the issue.

When you use this command, the dashboard closes the issue immediately and without prompting for confirmation. Only use this command when you’re sure you want to close the issue.

This command doesn’t support closing the issue with a comment. If you want to add a comment that explains why you’re closing the issue, use the comment command before or after you use this one.

X - Reopen Issue #

Press X to reopen a closed issue. When you do, the dashboard uses the gh issue reopen command to reopen the issue.

When you use this command, the dashboard reopens the issue immediately and without prompting for confirmation. Only use this command when you’re sure you want to reopen the closed issue.