Valid Keybindings

Valid Keybinding Entry (entry)

Every valid entry for the keybindings.prs and keybindings.issues configuration options must have a key and command. When a user presses the key or key combination in the view where those keys are bound, the dashboard shells out and executes the command.

JSON Schema

  "$id": "",
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "A keybinding to run a shell command in a view.\n\n",
  "properties": {
    "command": {
      "description": "The shell command that runs when you press the key combination.\n\n",
      "title": "Bound Command",
      "type": "string"
    "key": {
      "description": "The combination of keys that trigger the command.\n\n",
      "title": "Bound Key",
      "type": "string"
  "required": [
  "title": "Valid Keybinding Entry",
  "type": "object"

Required Properties

Bound Key (key)

Specifies one or more keys to bind to the command for an entry.

Bound Command (command)

Specifies the command bound to the key for an entry.