
gh-dash has extensive configuration options.

You can use the default configuration file, use the --config flag or $GH_DASH_CONFIG to specify an alternate configuration.

If you don’t specify the --config flag, gh-dash uses the default configuration. If the default configuration file doesn’t already exist, gh-dash creates it. The location of the default configuration file depends on your system:

  1. If $GH_DASH_CONFIG is a non-empty string, gh-dash will use this file for its configuration.
  2. If $GH_DASH_CONFIG isn’t set and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is a non-empty string, the default path is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gh-dash/config.yml.
  3. If neither $GH_DASH_CONFIG or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME are set, then:
    • On Linux and macOS systems, the default path is $HOME/gh-dash/config.yml.
    • On Windows systems, the default path is %USERPROFILE%\gh-dash\config.yml.

After gh-dash creates the default configuration, you can edit it.

Options #

The configuration for gh-dash is schematized. The pages in this section list the configuration options, their defaults, and how you can use them.

Documentation and schema for the configuration of your GitHub dashboard.
 PR Section
Documentation for configuring the PR sections of your GitHub dashboard.
 Issue Section
Documentation for configuring the issues sections of your GitHub dashboard.
How to search and filter issues and prs
Documentation for the defaults setting options for your GitHub dashboard.
Documentation for configuring your GitHub dashboard’s layout.
Documentation for defining commands for your GitHub dashboard.
Documentation for configuring your GitHub dashboard’s theme.
Hex Color
The schema for valid colors to use with your GitHub dashboard.

Using the Schema in VS Code #

The gh-dash configuration schema is published here:

You can get edit-time feedback, validation, and IntelliSense for your configurations in VS Code by following these steps:

  1. Install Red Hat’s YAML extension for VS Code.

  2. Open your gh-dash configuration file.

  3. Add the following line to the top of your configuration file:

    # yaml-language-server: $schema=
  4. Instead of adding a comment to your configuration file, you could create the .vscode/settings.json file in your gh-dash configuration folder and add this setting:

        "yaml.schemas": {
            "": "*.yml"

With the directive comment at the top of your configuration or the VS Code settings file, you can then open your configurations and edit them with support for validation. When you hover on an option in your configuration file, you’ll get a brief synopsis of the option and a link to its documentation on this site.

Examples #

These examples show a few ways you might configure your dashboard.

Theming example #

The color palette in this example is inspired by the Monokai Pro Spectrum Filter palette.

      primary: "#F7F1FF"
      secondary: "#5AD4E6"
      inverted: "#F7F1FF"
      faint: "#3E4057"
      warning: "#FC618D"
      success: "#7BD88F"
      selected: "#535155"
      primary: "#948AE3"
      secondary: "#7BD88F"
      faint: "#3E4057"